
joy to the world

in addition to being a photographer, i am also blessed beyond words to be an educational assistant to a wonderful child. today was his birthday. i think i may have been almost as excited as he was about his special day. he rushed into school with a huge grin and was greeted by many birthday wishes. he is a superstar at our school. he proudly put on his birthday crown and was ready for the day ahead. 

in music class when a child has a birthday they get to have their special birthday time. they get sung to, get pretend spankings or hugs, and get to sing a song of their choice. michael chose to get pretend spankings and hugs. it was hilarious! he was so funny and dramatic and played along pretending they hurt. and then came his big moment to sing. he chose to sing joy to the world. 

during our christmas pageant this was the song that finally made him get up on stage. he was being a bit timid, but this song was his moment to shine. he loves to sing it anytime and anywhere. he stood up proudly in front of the group and sang with all his might. as i was taking pictures i noticed a parent tearing up and a teacher standing in awe of this wonderful child. this child truly is a joy to this world. everyday i feel so incredibly blessed to work with him. he isn't just the child i assist, he is my friend. he is wonderful. 

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